You know when you buy a bunch of bananas and somehow just forget about them all week? You totally would have eaten them, just straight up forgot about ’em (even though they were in plain sight on the kitchen table…haha oops). Well, those times are awesome because it means banana bread! Or muffins. Or cupcakes….
Strawberry & White Chocolate Scones
So um… These guys are really tasty. Like extremely suprisingly delicious. I have never been one for strawberry-flavored things. I LOVE the berry. Fresh sweet strawberries are absolutely amazing! But I can’t deal with strawberry ice cream, or pie (unless it has rhubarb to sour it up a bit), or strawberry jam. My mom used…
Banana Bread French Toast
Yep. So basically I have been wanting to make this for like over a year (ever since I began seeing it on StumbleUpon over and over again). I finally decided last week that because we had a plethora of bananas (we buy a lot as a household every week) that it was going to happen….
Pumpkin Chocolate Marble Muffins w/ Cinnamon Cream Cheese Filling
Allright. Let me just start off saying that I LOVE pumpkin. I’m one of those people who spends hours on StumbleUpon liking anything to do with pumpkin and baking (scones, pancakes, cookies, bread, candy…you name it). If I went back to see all my “likes” I could promise you half of them have something to…